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SCHEDULE Subject to updates, to be found on this page always.

               Monday 24    Tuesday 25    Wednesday 26    Thursday 27    Friday 28  

TAV conference detailed agenda (PDF): updated 21.08.2015


Presentations for TAV conference (Titles, Abstracts and Authors): updated 19.08.2015


PREFACE General Assembly programme: updated 20.08.2015


PREFACE WP6 Workshop agenda: updated 19.08.2015



Please let us know (Mathieu Rouault and session conveners of any changes  in posters and oral presentations or who is presenting on your behalf. Please check the program carefully. If you do not come or if you are delayed  let us know quickly.


Poster presenters must prepare a one slide only for poster presentation that will be uploaded in advance.


Presentation must be loaded in advance


Strict timing of presentation needs to be implemented by session conveners


MONDAY 24 CLIVAR Atlantic Panel (by invitation only), UCT campus

9:00- 12:00

​12:20 13:20 Lunch at the UCT club


13:00 17:00

TUESDAY TAV conference, Breakwater Lodge (detailed agenda in PDF above) Plenary

​8:00-9:00 Registration

​9:00-10:00 Welcome and introduction

​10:00-10:30  Session 1 - Key oceanic processes in the eastern Tropical Atlantic, observations and modelling

​10:30-11:00 Coffee break (Posters from Poster Session A available for viewing)


​11:00-12:30 Session 1 continued.

12:30-14:30 Lunch and Poster Session A (see detailed agenda)


14:30-16:00 Session 1 continued.

16:00-16:30 Coffee break (Posters from Poster Session A available for viewing)

16:30-17:30 Session 1 continued.

17:30-18:00 Session 1 summary and discussion

18:15       Icebreaker at Breakwater Lodge and Poster Session A (posters to be removed after icebreaker)

WEDNESDAY  TAV conference, Breakwater Lodge (detailed agenda in PDF above) 

8:30-9:00 Coffee

​9:00-10:30 Session 2 - Climate variability, modelling and prediction

10:30-11:00 Coffee break (Posters from Poster Session B available for viewing)

11:00 12:30 Session 2 continued.

12:30-14:30 Lunch and Poster Session B (see detailed agenda)


​14:30-15:45 Session 2 continued.


​15:45-16:15 Coffee break (Posters from Poster Session B available for viewing)


​16:15-17:00 Session 2 summary and discussion


17:00-18:30 PIRATA open scientific session


19:30 Conference dinner (Hildebrand Ristorante)

THURSDAY TAV Conference, Breakwater Lodge (detailed agenda in PDF above)

8:00-8:30 Coffee


​8:30-10:30 Session 3 - Marine ecosystems, fisheries and climate change

10:30-11:00 Coffee break (Posters from Poster Session B available for viewing)

​11:00-12:30  Session 3 continued, ending with summary and brief discussion.

​12:30-14:00 Lunch


End of TAV conference.


THURSDAY PIRATA meetings and PREFACE General Assembly 2015

​14:00-18:00  PIRATA Board meeting and PIRATA SSG meeting, Breakwater Lodge

​14:00-18:00 PREFACE parallel CT meetings (CT2, CT3&4, and CT5), Breakwater Lodge and other venue at 5min walk (details coming shortly, check "Logistics" page)

FRIDAY PREFACE General Assembly 2015 and workshopsriday

​8:30-10:00  Cross-CT discussions

​10:00-10:30  Coffee break

​10:30- 12:30  CT wrap-up sessions and comments from the ESAP (External Scientific Advisory Panel)

12:30-14:00 Lunch and Management Board meeting


​14:00-17:00 PREFACE WP6 workshop




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