Nansen Tutu Center
The Nansen Tutu Summer School on Ocean, Climate and Marine Ecosystem:
A focus on the Agulhas Current, the Benguela upwelling system and the Tropical Atlantic
Please send a half page letter of motivation that will also mention your sponsor and two referees email and a one page cv mentioning your affiliation, your advisor and your relation to specific research program that could sponsor your trip to Mathieu.Rouault at Format your document as follow SurnameCV.doc and SurnameMotivation.doc docx or pdf.
Deadline to apply is 3 of October 2014. Countdown
You are expected to find funding for your flight ticket, accomodation and a registration fee of 190 Euros to pay for meals during the week, coffee break and social activities. Meal during the weekend and drinks at the UCT club in the evening is on yours.